are you da'd or df'd? if you are, something like this:
Yes, I made the choice to leave the organization but that doesn't mean my love has changed for you or our family.
The organization that you believe in mandates that you are not allowed to have a relationship with me. You are not allowed to show love for me.
The only way you can show love for me is if I perform works. I would have to attend six months to a year of meetings without uttering a peep to anyone else in attendance. I would not be able to have a bible study with anyone in order to get my many questions answered. Finally I would have to write a letter of repentance to men and potentially be reinstated based on their opinions. After all of this,...then you can show your love for me.
I'm sorry but this is conditional love,...this isn't the genuine love that the bible speaks of. 1 Cor. 13
"love keeps no record of wrongs"